Wednesday 28 February 2018


    Recently, there have been many talks about the prophetic gift and prophets in Ghana. Many have been insulted and called names. Some have been tagged, "Prophets of Doom" because of their frequent prophecies about calamity and the death of prominent public figures in the country.

    Haven been around prophetic people for many years now, and haven operated and still do operate in this gift, i know firsthand, how important this gift is (although some folks over emphasise it to their own hurt).

    A critical look at the prevailing situation and you would realise that the vast majority are not against the gift, rather, they have an issue with the manner in which these prophets communicate their visions and preemptions. I have always said that people are interested in the truth but they are also more interested in how you present it. The truth that is not presented in love would be protested as though it were a lie.


    The bible specifically outlines the role of prophecies in our lives.

    *[[1Co 14:3]] ISV* But the person who prophesies speaks to people for their UPBUILDING, ENCOURAGEMENT, and COMFORT.

    Prophecy comes to do three main things, namely;
    1. To build up
    2. To encourage and
    3. To comfort

    If a prophecy does not satisfy any of the above, then it should be questioned.

    Today, though there are prophets that set out to build up, encourage and comfort people, we have others whose activities are making this gift unpopular. I have categorized these into two groups;


    Many people are fascinated by and attracted to the prophetic gift. Since we live in a society where many think their woes and predicament are caused by a cosmic being or another human, it is not uncommon for these people to troop to churches or shrines where they believe they can get deliverance.

    Today, some folks see churches as businesses with high competition and hence the need to advertise in order to get "customers" (congregants). And how else will they advertise except by proving to the public that they (the churches and prophets) can deliver results.

    These attention seekers therefore resort to publicizing their prophecies to attract people to them or their denominations. They usually pride themselves as "powerful men of God" when their prophecies come to pass. They do so rather insensitively.


    Some prophetic people fail to see that much of what they receive in visions are not supposed to be communicated to others. These visions are to help the prophet know what exactly he must do to assist someone or remedy a situation.

    Without the needed wisdom, the prophetic will bring division and untold heartaches. There have been occasions where some folks butchered their aged mothers because some prophet told them their mothers were witches. In my candid opinion, no one should ever be told  "You have a spiritual marriage", "Your neighbour or relative is responsible for your predicament", etc. Especially, not in public (whether on a radio or TV or in the midst of the congregation). Such information brings no benefit to the individual.

    It is therefore imperative that prophetic people know what to communicate and what not to and also, more importantly, how to communicate their prophecies. Wisdom will teach you whether to communicate it to just the individual or make it public.


    When a prophetic person receives a vision concerning the passing away of someone, there are two things he/she can do...

    1. PRAYER: If it is something that can be averted through prayer, then the person in question does not need to know about it. Just go ahead and pray for such a person and God will deliver.

    2. COMMUNICATE IT IN LOVE: If it is something that must happen, then it is okay to communicate it to the individual concerned, but in love. In this case, the purpose of communicating it is not to bring about fear, but to help the person make the best out of the rest of their stay here and also put his/her house in order. Like in the case of Isaiah and King Hezekiah...

    *[[Isa 38:1]] ISV* During that time, Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. Then Amoz’s son Isaiah the prophet came to him and told him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER, BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. You won’t recover.’”

    It is unwise to stand on national platforms or on a radio or television to communicate something that is meant for an individual. This will surely be met with anger and indifference.

    Let us be sensitive to the feelings of others and endeavor to apply wisdom when operating the prophetic gift. Selah!!!

    Afriyie A.  Nyame

            LIVE-LOVE-SHINE ®

    1 comment:

    1. Amen ����, all should be done in love. Love doesn’t announce to the whole audience, what should be said in private. Fear is the absence of the knowing of love.


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