Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[1Ki 3:4]] ERV* And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar.

    When I was in Senior High School, I heard a message on building/raising an altar. The preacher man said David had to raise an alter to stop the angel from killing his people so we also have to do likewise. And ooh, I remember anointing my bed as an alter at school.

    From our opening scriptures some have been able to teach on different types of altars Christians can raise. With some churches calling their podium/pulpits altars (but I don't see Nehemiah calling the first podium recorded in the bible an altar). While others teach that theirs is a greater altar than others and guarantee quick result. But for how long shall we continue in the Ministry of death and condemnation? For how long shall we hold on to the shadow when the Reality is present with us?

    The writer of the book of Kings tells us people were offering in high places bcos there was no temple.
    *[[1Ki 3:2]] ERV* Only the people sacrificed in the high places, because there was no house built for the name of the LORD until those days.

    Beloved, Jesus came to make a one time sacrifice to end all forms of sacrifice under the Law (Heb 10:5-10). The cross was the altar at calvary that ended our sins and defeated the devil. Hence you don't ever need to raise an altar again. If you think the finished works of Christ can't protect or deliver you, then raising a thousand altars of your own wouldn't do any better.The Lord is now in His holy temple - and you are that Temple. For sacrifices and offerings the Lord does not delight in, but His only delight is you, His temple. Shalom!!!


    1 comment:

    1. Whaaaaa? Oh this is tooo good, from Alpha to Omega this is goooood. I am His glorious temple where he adores residing, a sweet smelling aroma of love all cuddled up inside me.... loving me from the inside .. how can Papa be any closer??? ��❤️������


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