Tuesday 5 December 2017


    [NLT] Hebrews 9:16 Now when someone leaves a will, it is necessary to prove that the person who made it is dead.

    Why did Jesus come? Usually the first answer that comes to mind is, "He came to put an end to sin". Yes, that is true, but there is more. Jesus came to prove to humanity that despite our rebellion and stubborness, the Father never disowned us.

    He came to die in time, so that we could receive the inheritance. But what right did He have? Isn't He the Son? Look closely. Jesus told us He and the Father are one. The Word is God remember? But what says Isaiah concerning the Son that was to be given? "His name shall be called....Everlasting Father." (Isa 9:6).

    Beloved, ALL THINGS are yours now in the present. The death of Jesus signed, sealed and delivered it all. He then sent the Holy Spirit as the Lawyer/attorney to tell us all the things which are True about this will. Holy Spirit came to make you know the things which have been freely given to you by God. Hear Him. For his testimony is true. The only name Jesus put in His will was yours. Hallelujah!!!


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