Saturday 5 January 2019



    Recently, i said somewhere that if you ever received a prophecy that never came to pass, then it was never from God. I still stand by my words and I am going to throw a little light on this statement.
    You see, in every noble field in life, you shall find that there are some who are there just for their personal gain. The same applies to the prophetic. Today, many are fascinated by the prophetic gift. And it is not surprising because those who operate in the prophetic tend to hype the gift overly. It has almost become the norm for some preachers to prophesy after the word ministration and for churches to advertise prophets as their guest speakers. It is as though one wouldn't be invited to preach in another denomination unless they bear the title of a prophet or at least, operate in the prophetic.
    While some have become skeptic about the prophetic, others have ridden on the wings of the "prophetic movement" into extremity. While some sing hallelujah chorus at the mention of this gift, others cuss in their hearts, anyone who approaches them with prophecies.
    The prophetic usually comes along with fame and as has become the case, riches. Hence many youngsters want to become prophets. They do not shudder in the utterance of the popular prophetic phrase, 'thus saith the Lord'. This has led to a lot of heartaches as there are many vulnerable folks who, in the quest of finding solutions to their predicaments, heavily rely on prophecies for directions. They therefore fall prey to false brethren who are out there for their bellies' sake. For this cause, many reject the prophetic. They think since they can not differentiate between the genuine and the false, then they have to deny it all together. Now, that is one of the reasons for this series. I know how beneficial the prophetic is hence i want to assist you to reap all the good harvest and avoid the tares. Paul even advised us not to despise prophecies.
    *[[1Th 5:20]] ISV* Do not despise prophecies.
    Today, just about anyone can claim they are prophets or have a word from God. It is actually not a new trend. It has existed for as long as prophets have been walking this earth. When God was talking to the Israelites about the role of prophets, some of them began to contemplate in their hearts how to differentiate a word that is from God and one that isn't. God answered their thoughts with one rule of thumb...
    *[[Deu 18:21-22/KJV]]* 21. And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? 22. When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
    Now, there are some who teach that there is a role that the recipient of the prophecy needs to play to ensure its fulfillment. But God never considered the recipient's role as something that could jeopardize the prophetic word. Why? Because His word is fervent and effectual. And whenever He authors a word, He is responsible for its fulfillment. In other words, His word has the inerrant power to accomplish what He desires. When He gives you a word, it is His own zeal that accomplishes it. In other words, the word overcomes man's reluctance.

    Isa 59:17 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this.

    Some folks are quick to pull the "you have a role to play" card so they can blame the recipient for a prophecy gone wrong. Often times, recipients of unfulfilled prophecies are accused of lacking faith or not praying enough about the given word. But i believe in some cases, if not most cases, the prophet or prophetic person ought to take the blame and understand that sometimes the case could be that they misinterpreted what they saw.
    Now, don't get me wrong. Some prophecies come with an action that the recipient needs to follow through (i have addressed this in parts 3 and 5). But if the word is coming from God, it will be fulfilled every which way you look at it. Except that if the direction given is not followed through, the negative outcome shall be seen.
    I am going to explain further in the next part as we examine types of prophecies. Don't miss it. Shalom!!!
    Afriyie Nyame Ministries

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