Wednesday 7 March 2018


    *[[2Co 13:5]] BSB* Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Can’t you see for yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you—unless you actually fail the test?

    Some folks have quoted the above verse and have misinterpreted it to the hurt of many. But what exactly does it mean to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith? Is it a confession of sins or ashes and sack cloth moment? No! On the contrary, it is a beautiful thing.

    In Senior High School and College, one of the Chemistry topics i did was Qualitative Analysis, which involves identification of the constituents, e.g. elements or functional groups, present in a substance.

    At the laboratory, the lecturer would give you an unlabeled substance and ask you to find the elements present through a series of test. Although the substance is unlabeled, the lecturer knows what exactly it is. So you pass the test only when you confirm what the lecturer already knows. On the other hand, you fail the test when you fail to confirm what the lecturer already knows.

    Note that, if the substance is Silver, but you say Nickel at the end of the test, you have failed in identifying what is in there. But the substance still remains  Silver. Knowing the substance present also helps you to know its uses, properties or qualities.

    The same way, Paul was admonishing the people to examine themselves and come to the conclusion which  he and God had already come to. Which is, "Christ in you".

    In other words, Christ has always been in them but they being ignorant of it is causing them to live a lie. "Christ in you", is what Paul refers to as the deal breaker. It is the one mystery whose unveiling has brought so much illumination to me concerning man's identity and design and the heart of Papa God. When you awaken to this truth, you no longer look down on yourself. You see no limitations but a life of possibilities. A life of love. A rich and satisfying life.

    Beloved, Christ is in all humanity. If you see anything else, then you have failed the test...take it again. But as for me, i no longer see any man after the flesh. Shalom!!!


    1 comment:

    1. Nor do I, my eyes see what my Daddy sees and He said it the best “ IT IS GOOD!”


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