Monday 25 September 2017


    *[[Eph 3:18-19/ISV]]*  .....Then, having been rooted and grounded in love, you will be able to understand, along with all the saints, what is wide, long, high, and deep— that is, you will know the love of the Messiah— which transcends knowledge...

    There are some who say grace preachers have exagerated the Love of God. When you tell them about how God loves even those we brand 'sinners', they are quick to interrupt you with, "Yes, God is Love, but He is also judge."

    You see, in this material world, we are familiar with one, two and three-dimensional objects. But in our opening scripture, Paul tells us that the Love of God has four dimensions (width, length, height and depth). Then he adds that God's Love transcends or goes beyond human knowledge, intellect or reasoning.

    We are not trying our best to make God look good. No! He is altogether lovely. After all, what do we expect from one who Himself is LOVE. Paul tells us that until we find that our root has always been in love, that love is our very foundation, we will not understand the love of God. Yet this love is not far from us. It is not something outside of us that we need to cajole to come to us...

    Rom 5:5  And hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy Spirit which is given to us.

    Beloved, no matter how much, it seems, someone has exaggerated the Love of God, Paul says that it is still no where near it. In other words, Paul wants us to know that it is impossible to exaggerate the Love that God has for us. Don't try to reason out the Love of God because the human mind cannot grasp it. Simply put, the love of God is mind blowing. Just receive it and rest in it. You are Beloved. Shalom!!!


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