Friday 4 January 2019



           I believe in the prophetic ministry and gift. I don't call myself a prophet. In fact, i don't carry any ministerial title. But I have been a keen follower of the prophetic since 2005. Throughout these years, I have received personal prophetic words from individuals, ranging from those who operate the simple gift of prophecy to those in the office of the prophet (some came to pass. Others did not come to pass and others still are yet to be fulfilled). I have also had the privilege of giving individuals prophecies which came to pass and some didn't (I'm going to try to explain why some prophecies fail in this series so follow keenly). I have been around prophetic people, studied and desired the gift for so long a time that I believe i have somewhat to say about this 'mysterious' gift, how it has blessed many and yet how false brothers have, by this gift, manipulated many to satisfy their own whims and caprices.
         To begin with, let's look at what 'Prophecy' is. According to Strong's definition, *prophecy is a discourse emanating from divine inspiration and declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden; especially by foretelling future events.*
    According to Paul, prophecy comes to do three main things, namely;
    1. To build people up
    2. To encourage people and
    3. To comfort people
    *[[1Co 14:3]] ISV* But the person who prophesies speaks to people *for their upbuilding, encouragement, and comfort.*
          Usually, different spiritual gifts are displayed during prophecies. These include Word of knowledge, Word of wisdom, Discerning of spirits, Visions, etc. (1 Cor 12:7-10). A person in the office of a prophet is able to manifest these combinations of gifts with the accompanying power. Yet a person may manifest any of the revelatory gifts mentioned above but that person is not necessarily a PROPHET (you may say such a person is PROPHETIC).
          Understanding this is very critical because I've been in meetings where some folks were told their telephone or house numbers or something they did/said before the service and they became so excited by that. But that, in itself, is not prophecy.
    *Word of knowledge

          This is where something you or someone else did or said from the moment you are being spoken to, even to the past (even before you were born) is revealed. (Eg. Jesus told the woman at the well about her past and present relationship John 4:17-18)
    *Word of wisdom

          This is where something that is going to happen in the future or ought to be done is revealed. (Eg. Joseph's dreams)
          A person may receive this information through a vision/dream, an inner voice or in some cases, it manifests as if the person operating the gift has always known it.
          Prophecy therefore becomes a vehicle for delivering the revelatory gifts. It gives voice to what has been seen or heard.
          But the end result of every prophecy or prophetic utterance is this - the recipient must experience the love of Abba Father. Every true prophecy should seek to bring glory to God and not man. It should unveil the finished works of Christ and build people's confidence in God. In other words, prophecy reveals the awesomeness of Papa God. how much He loves us and how deeply we are loved.

    Rev 19:10(BSB) So I fell at his feet to worship him. But he told me, "Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who rely on the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."  Selah!!!

    Afriyie Nyame Ministries


    1. I love the ending. It must reveal the love of God to us. Very true Man of God.


    <250 words


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