Saturday 5 January 2019



    Today, i want us to examine some types of prophecies. Different spectrum of prophecies can be identified, but i will spare you all the lectures and go ahead to classify prophecies into two broad categories. That is, conditional prophecies and non - conditional prophecies.
    Let's begin with what I call Conditional Prophecies. With this type of prophecy comes a condition or an advice that the recipient must heed to have the desired outcome. Notice i said 'desired outcome'. This is because in the prophecy, the recipient is told what would happen if he heeds the condition/direction/ advice as well as what would happen if he doesn't. Now since God is faithful to His words, that is, if the word is from God, then this prophecy shall be fulfilled according to the choice of the recipient. Let's see this example from scripture...
    *[[Deu 28:2]] KJ2000* And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God.
    *[[Deu 28:15]] KJ2000* But it shall come to pass, if you will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day; that all these curses shall come upon you, and overtake you:
    These verses above give us typical example of conditional prophecy. So which ever way you look at it, Conditional Prophecies always come to pass (either positive or negative outcome).
    If we go by the litmus test God gave the Israelites concerning how to know if a word is coming from Him, then it means that we have to wait for a prophecy to come to pass or otherwise before we know whether it's from God or not. But sometimes when the word is spoken, you will have a check in your spirit confirming the prophecy whether it is from God or not.
    For a conditional prophecy like the one in Deuteronomy 28 to be false, one of two things should happen.
    1. The recipient should have followed all the given conditions/directions to the latter and yet not received the blessing.
    2. The recipient should have gone contrary to the given direction and yet received the blessings.
    Now, some false brethren have taken advantage of this kind of prophecy and are giving folks false prophecies. As long as they can blame the recipient later for the non-fulfillment thereof.
    Some folks also fall for some so called prophecies that i see to be totally brewed from the so called Prophet's own heart. For instance i smell manipulation if i hear a prophecy like, "You will get first class if you study well". Now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is just a plain, good advice. A true conditional prophecy will rather take this form, "if you study Genetics, Evolution and Human anatomy, you will pass your exams without wasting time on other topics".
    I had a good laugh in 2016 when one prophet said "If party A campaigns well, it will win the election". Well, that party did not win the election so i guess they did not campaign well enough right?
    Beloved, learn to judge every prophecy you receive and you won't fall victim to some scum bags. I shall leave you with Paul's advice...

    *[[1Th 5:20-22/T4T]]* 20. Specifically, do not despise messages that the Holy Spirit reveals to someone and reject them automatically. 21. On the contrary, evaluate all such messages. Accept the messages that are truly from God, and obey them. 22. Do not obey any kind of evil message.

    Afriyie Nyame Ministries

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