Tuesday 23 June 2020

    EXPERIENCES & REACTIONS IN GOD'S PRESENCE 2: (Falling Under the Anointing)

    (Falling Under the Anointing)

    Falling under the anointing is something that has brought about a lot of debate. Some folks who do not have insight into this say all manner of things against it. There are also some misconceptions even in the body of Christ. There are some folks who think a man of God is not powerful if one doesn't fall when he lays hands on them. There are some preachers who also, deliberately push folks to the ground because they also think that is the only sign that something has happened to the one being prayed for. 

    However, we need to understand that the term 'falling under the anointing' is an expression used to describe something that takes place only by the influence of the Holy Spirit, although the Bible does not use the same term, it has biblical precedence. Let's look at some places in scripture where it occurs. 

    *[[Dan 10:9]] KJV* Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, THEN WAS I IN A DEEP SLEEP on my face, and my face toward the ground.

    In the tenth chapter of Daniel, he narrates an encounter he had. According to him, he fell into a deep sleep upon hearing the voice of the man he saw. Now, the Hebrew word translated  'deep sleep' also means 'to faint' or 'become unconscious' or 'fall in a trance'. This truly describes exactly what happens when, in modern day expression, we say someone has fallen under the anointing.

    While I do not know how it happens, I do know, however, some reasons why it happens. These include; 

    1. Birthing an idea in you: In the case of Adam, we see God bringing a spouse out of him after He caused a deep sleep to come upon him.

    2. Giving you a message: In Job 4:13-16 and 33:14-16, we see how God ministers to people when they are in a deep sleep. One in this state could see a vision or hear a voice. 

    3. Confirming His word to you: In Genesis 15:12, we see how God confirms His covenant with Abraham by causing a deep sleep to come upon him. Some folks receive the details of their calling in moments like this. 

    4. Healing: I have seen people healed of all manner of diseases after falling under the anointing. 

    5. Spiritual gifts realized: on some occasions, some folks begin to operate in some spiritual gift(s) afterwards. 

    These are, but a few things that happen when someone falls under the anointing. Sometimes this state of unconsciousness may range from some few seconds to hours. It all happens according to the will and purpose of God. It is worth noting that not everybody must fall under the anointing in order for any of the above listed experiences to happen. Some get these experiences without falling down. So preacher man, please you don't need to push people down. Selah!!! Always remember... 

    *[[1Co 12:6]] ISV* There are varieties of results, but it is the same God who produces all the results in everyone.


    Afriyie Nyame Ministries 

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