Saturday 9 November 2019


    What many have not realized is that most of what Jesus talked about was for the here and now. he did not come to talk about an afterlife. He had to remind Nicodemus about that....

    *[[Joh 3:12]] WMTH-JM* If I have told you earthly things and none of you believe me, how will you believe me if I tell you of things in Heaven?

    Jesus focused on how to live life here on earth but we usually focus on life in a literal place called heaven. Of course, we shall all end up in the literal heaven but we were not put on earth to work our way there. We were put here on earth to extend the reins of heaven here.

    Whenever we go into the word with an escape-from-the-earth approach, we are likely to miss the context and the message the scripture is trying to convey. One such scripture that has been looked at with a rapture lens is this...

    *[[Mar 9:45]] NET* If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off! It is better to ENTER LIFE lame than to have two feet and be thrown into hell.

    This scripture has nothing to do with a spiritual place of unquenchable fire a.k.a Hell. Take a careful look again and you will notice that there are two things being contrasted - Hell and Life. Those who see this as pertaining to life after our existence on earth interpret 'Life' in this verse as literal Heaven.

    Now, if it is literal heaven, then we ought to enter with our physical bodies in order to be qualified as lame right? Because I don't think a spirit can be amputated or lamed.  But Jesus tells us that in heaven we shall be like the angels (spirits).

    So what did Jesus mean by to "enter life lamed"? You see, the Old Covenant was known as the ministration of death (2 Cor 3:7). So Jesus was announcing the New Covenant that was to be established. A covenant of life and liberty.

     The next two verses explain further...

    *[[Mar 9:47]] NET* If your eye causes you to sin, tear it out! It is better to ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,

    Notice that the word 'life in verse 45 has been replaced with "the kingdom of God" in the 47th verse. And what did Jesus say about the Kingdom of God?  He said the kingdom would come here on earth.

    So Afriyie, are you saying that "Hell" as used here is not a spiritual place where 'sinners' burn for eternity?

    Precisely! The word translated 'Hell' is "Gehenna" which is specifically the 'valley of Hinnon' which was a refuse dump outside Jerusalem where they burnt their rubbish and dumped dead bodies during wars. So over here, Jesus was warning them about the invasion of Jerusalem by the Romans. He was saying something to this effect, "The kingdom of God is coming to Earth. It comes with a Covenant of a rich and satisfying Life. If you really want to enjoy this kingdom, then you need to escape the invasion that is coming upon Jerusalem. Even if you have to do it at the expense of your possessions do it. Don't be like Lot's wife whose eyes still followed Sodom and Gomorrah. Life in this kingdom (New Covenant) is much better than anything you lose when you heed my advice and flee Jerusalem. But if you remain in Jerusalem during that time, your life will be cut short and you will be thrown into the refuse dump at the Valley of Hinnon." Shalom!!!


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