Friday 28 February 2020



    *[[Psa 92:2]] T4T* It is good to proclaim every morning that you faithfully love us, and each night to sing songs that declare that you always do what you have promised to do,

    Every morning we wake up to a brand new day. So much uncertainties as each day comes with its own challenges. We awake with various expectations and we begin the day with fear and trembling, not knowing what will befall us.

    But David found a way to go through the day with confidence and assurance. He decided to remind himself every morning, of how much Papa God loved him. His motivation for the day was the love of God towards him.

    Oh what a way to start your day. You are so conscious of the love of God for you that it becomes your drive. You know He is for you hence no one (nothing) can be against you. You know that for every set back you encounter, God is preparing a testimony for you. Like the Israelites, you know that because of Papa God's love for you, no scheme or plot of  man can stand against you...

    *[[Deu 23:5]] BBE* But the Lord your God would not give ear to Balaam, but let the curse be changed into a blessing to you, because of his love for you.

    When we are retiring to bed at night and we ponder over the day and are tempted to feel discouraged that some promises of God or some of our expectations were not fulfilled, again, we should be like David and sing songs about God's faithfulness to fulfill His promises to us - even while we are asleep.

    *[[Psa 127:2]] NET*  ...Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep.

    Beloved, with this attitude, you don't fret any longer. You don't burn out with stress and anxiety. Because you are powered by His faithful love. Shalom!!!

    Afriyie Nyame Ministries

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