Wednesday 25 March 2020



    *[[Act 3:3,6]] NET* When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple courts, he asked them for money... But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, stand up and walk!”

    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, so much has been said and done. Governments have put some measures in place to help control the community spread of this  novel disease among their people. While scientists the world over are racing to find the cure for this disease, health workers are also risking their lives at the forefront catering for the infected who come thronging in.

    With so many casualties recorded within a short span of time, it seems the world is in despair and we now turn to what we like to call, 'the greater power'. Governments of the world have declared a National Day of Prayer to seek the intervention of God. They have called on their citizens to fast and pray in this time of desperation.

    While some folks think this is a right call, others find this appalling, to say the least.

    But we need to understand that in times of crisis, we all have a role to play and this will vary  according to the ability given to each individual by the Creator. The scientist will provide the vaccine, the philanthropist will provide the money, health workers will administor the cure and take care of the infected, volunteers (musicians, actors, teachers, etc.) will go out to educate the citizenry on preventive measures. But somehow, the role of the pastor is seen as irrelevant in times like this.

    From our opening scripture, Peter and John met a man who was crippled from death. He had been begging all his life. At the time They met him, the man needed money and obviously, he needed to be healed from his infirmity. Yet he only asked for money.

    In Peter's response, we would come to  understand that the solution that each individual provides is based on the tools that are available to them. Peter and John had no money to give. So they gave the one thing they had - healing in the name of Jesus.

    Recently, we heard that the Church of Pentecost had donated 10 information vans and other logistics to the National Commission for Civic Education (N.C.C.E)  and this is a pure example of what God would have us do. In the book of Proverb, we are admonished thus...

    *[[Pro 3:27]] NET* Do not withhold good from those who need it, when you have the ability to help.

    With the miracles I have seen in my ministry, it is impossible to deny the power of prayers. I believe in divine intervention and I believe in science that's why I have a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science. After all, when we call on God, he often brings us help through a man - It could be a scientist, doctor, philanthropist, a pastor or even a 'nobody'. Just understand that we are all deploying our tools to the service of humanity.

    Beloved, just as Moses was asked at the burning bush, I ask you, "What do you have in your hands?" (Exodus 4:2). Your answer to this question will determine the kind of help you can offer. Offer your help without looking down on what help someone else can offer. Selah!

    Let's take the necessary precautions and stay safe. Keep WASH and PRAY. Shalom!!!


       Afriyie Nyame Ministries

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