Thursday 9 November 2017


    *[[Exo 16:35]] CPDV* Now the sons of Israel ate manna for forty years, until they arrived in a habitable land. With this food they were nourished, even until they touched the borders of the land of Canaan.

    "They ate manna for forty long years? Really?" These are some of the questions I asked when I first read this account. We all have favourite foods. But can you eat one particular food, 3 times a day, for forty years?

    We all crave variety. So, what if I told you the manna had different flavors? If men know that they have to provide variety of flavors in order to satisfy their customers, I believe God would do much more for His children.

    This is what the loving Father did, He asked them to gather the manna according to what every man could eat (He considered that some could eat more than others.) But one aspect we do not see is this; The manna tasted different in every individual's mouth, according to their desire. For instance, if I desired pizza, then the manna would taste like pizza to me. If you crave for 'Ghana jollof', then the manna would taste according to your desire. This is how the writer of *Wisdom* puts it;

    *{Wisdom 16:20}* ...you nourished your people with the food of angels, and, having prepared bread from heaven, you served them without labor that which holds within itself every delight and the sweetness of every flavor.

    Now, Jesus is the Bread that came down from heaven(Jn 6:32-33). This means that He satisfies us according to every man's delight or preferred flavor. So that your experience with or in Christ, is going to be different from my experience in Christ although they may all be true. Hence it is not appropriate to just use your experience as a measuring rod to tell folks that if they are not 'tasting' Jesus the way you are, then they are not spiritual. You can never describe pizza and 'ghana jollof' the same way. So, instead of prescribing doctrines based on human traditions, allow every man to individually enjoy the flavors in Christ Jesus. Receive Christ nourishment. Shalom!!!


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