Monday 20 November 2017


    *[[Jas 1:13]] BBE* Let no man say when he is tested, I am tested by God; for it is not possible for God to be tested by evil, and he himself puts no man to such a test:

    The Old Covenant was just a shadow of the real things that were yet to come through Jesus Christ. As such, the people under the Old Covenant had a blur revelation of God. They painted a picture of a God with multiple personalities - good one day and then evil the next.

    James wrote his epistle to correct a Jewish audience who, like some believers today, held the opinion that God could test them with evil. The greek word translated 'test' above also means, 'to tempt, scrutinize, entice, discipline, examine, prove or try.'

    So James was saying something to this effect, "God doesn't test people with evil. He doesn't discipline with evil (even when they 'sin'). He doesn't examine (or teach people a lesson) with evil. He doesn't prove people's character with evil, neither does He tempt with evil.

    Your sickness or accident is not something from God to teach you a lesson. If you are going through hard times, know that it is not God trying to humble you. No! 

    Beloved, Daddy God loves you immensely that He  will not permit anything you consider evil to come near your dwelling tent. Take shelter in His love, for there is no fear with God. Shalom!!!


    1 comment:

    1. Amen, God is forever good, never puts any form of disease on us. If evil happens it’s never from God.


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