Saturday 2 December 2017


    *[[Rom 10:14]] BSB* How then can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach?

    When folks here me say all men are saved, one of the first questions they throw at me is, "Bro Afriyie, Why preach then?" This question is usually asked because of what some preachers have made of the gospel. So i believe that if we knew the subject of the gospel, we would save ourselves a lot of time. So that the right question would be, "What (or rather, who) do we preach? " [I  address that in another post ]

    In our opening scripture, the word translated "call on" is from the Greek word 'epikalomai' which traditionally means *'to surname'* or *'to identify by name'*

    So when it said 'How can they call upon... ' it could also be translated, 'How can they surname themselves or identify themselves by Papa God's name... '. This presents the idea of *FAMILY* or *FELLOWSHIP*. This means that the reason why we preach is to help people identify their true origin or where they have always belonged - the family of Papa God.

    The apostle John very clearly states without any equivocation, the reason for his preaching...

    *[[1Jn 1:3]] BSB* We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, SO THAT YOU ALSO MAY HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH US. *And this fellowship of ours is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.*

    Fellowship is not something we invent or something we do every now and then. The Greek word translated 'fellowship' is 'koinōnia' which also means *community*, *intimacy/intercourse*, *joint participation* or *a gift jointly contributed*

    Paul brings home the Originator of fellowship when he said...

    *[[1Co 1:9]] WMTH* God is ever true to His promises, and it was by Him that you were, one and all, called into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.

    So you see, fellowship is an invitation by Papa God for man to discover his true origin. For man to know the community he is in now.  Papa God has reconciled all men to himself and wants us to create that awareness in all. That is why we preach.  Shalom!!!



    1. Wow. That's some eye opening there

    2. Preaching spreads the awareness of HOW SAVED WE REALLY ARE, and helps the hearers live in peace and love instead of fear and stress. Then everyone can get on with their fabulous lives instead of wasting so much of them TRYING to please God.

      1. Very true, Ken. Knowing that we are already pleasing to God, kills the stress.


    <250 words


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