Tuesday 19 May 2020



    [[Act 10:14-15/WEB]] 14. But Peter said, “Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” 15. A voice came to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed, you must not call unclean.”

    Many a times, we let our personal preferences come between us and others. We project our preferences as though they were the gospel. That's how many pulpits have been used to champion the agenda of denominations and religious beliefs thereby building walls instead of bridges, by the way we believe.

    We look down on people who do not believe the way we do.  We see ourselves as closer to God than others are. Like the Pharisee did in his prayer when he began to make a list of all his works and not only that, he went ahead to suggest that by such works, he was better than another worshipper (Luke 18:10-14). We think that by our fasting or non - fasting, our tithing or non-tithing, our lengthy prayers or that by the activities we engage in 'for God', we are more approved by God than others who do not do same.

    You see, there is nothing you can do to 'catch' the attention of Papa God.   We have always had His undivided attention. For we are all His children. It doesn't matter what religious sect others find themselves in, Papa God wants you to know that they are equally accepted, loved and made pure.

    From Peter's vision, all the animals were in one cage. By this, God shows us that all of humanity can dwell together in peace and harmony. In the cage we have ruminants and carnivores. By this, God shows us that whether you belong to the group that takes longer time to understand and accept the gospel (ruminants) or you are in the group of carnivores who 'catch' the gospel so fast and run with it, we are all accepted in the beloved.

    In other words, Jesus was telling Peter that the gospel is the announcement of every man's inclusion in the finished works of Christ.

    Paul would later tell us about the things that have been reconciled to God thus...
    [[Col 1:20]] ISV Through the Son, God also reconciled ALL THINGS to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, THEREBY MAKING PEACE THROUGH THE BLOOD of his cross.

    If the message does not include all of humanity, then it is incomplete. If it is not about God's love for all, then it is not the gospel. If it builds a wall between people, then it is not the gospel.

    It will interest you to know that while we have problem with people because they believe differently than us and allow that difference to tear us apart, God actually has no problem with them. Like Elijah, we think we need to 'fight for God' (1 Kings 19:9, 10). And so we try to do that through  obnoxious criticisms and actions. We think we have to be 'angry for God'. Well, Paul tried that until he realised that love was the only way. And it starts by first of all, acknowledging that your neighbour (whether a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Atheist, etc) has been made pure (cleansed)  by the blood. When you have this mindset,  you begin to see beauty in everyone. And you tear down all the dividing walls. For to the pure, all things are pure. Selah!!!

       Afriyie Nyame Ministries

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