Sunday 10 May 2020



    We greet you with grace and the peace that comes from knowing God as your Father... [Galatians 1:3] Mirror Bible

    One day, I met one of the kids at school and asked him "What is the name of your father?" He responded, "Daddy".   You see, it didn't matter what name the society called his father, he only knew him by the name 'Daddy'. That's the name that brings him comfort.

    To that little boy, Daddy is not just a name. It is encapsulated with every form of affection and delight he could possibly desire. To him,  Daddy means protection, provision, comfort, security, strength, etc.

    Yet, for several years, man had debated about what God's true name was. Then Jesus appears and reveals Him as our 'Father'...

    *[[Joh 20:17]] EasyEnglish* Jesus said, ‘...But go to my brothers (the disciples). Tell them, “I go up to my Father. And he is your Father. He is my God, and he is your God.” ’

    The Jews of Jesus' time knew what it really meant to call someone father. They knew that calling someone father meant you were in the same class as the person. It meant you had the ability to exercise the authority of the one you called father - some sort of equality. That's why they wanted to stone Jesus for calling God His Father.

    *[[Joh 5:18]] BSB* Because of this, the Jews tried all the harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.

    Paul knowing this, went ahead to reveal the true identity of the Athens and their relationship with God (contrary to popular Christian doctrine)....

    *[[Act 17:29]] T4T* Therefore, because we are God's children and can communicate like God does...

    Beloved, when you constantly see God as your Father, it awakens your consciousness to your true identity (that is, a child of God) and the ability of the Father at work in you. That way, you'll begin to enjoy the love and peace of Papa God that surpasses all understanding. Shalom!!!


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