Monday 4 December 2017


    *[[Col 1:27]] WMTH* to whom it was His will to make known HOW VAST A WEALTH OF GLORY for the Gentile world IS IMPLIED IN THIS TRUTH–the truth that `Christ is in you, the hope of glory.'

    Preaching of the gospel is the unveiling of how rich the new creation is in Christ. Paul tells us that it reveals a VAST WEALTH OF GLORY in the gentiles.

    For centuries we have preached it wrongly. We have gone about hunting for sins and magnifying it (like the Law did). Yet we still wonder why the new creation is living a defeatist life. You see, man will always acknowledge what is repeatedly presented to him. He is going to live with that mental image for a long time and before long, he will begin to act out that image. We are like mirrors, we only reflect what is placed before us. And like in computing, we say "garbage in garbage out".

    So if we want to see everyone unearth and manifest that vast wealth of glory, then there is only one thing we can do - acknowledge all the good things in them in Christ.

    *[[Phm 1:6]] KJ2000* That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

    If we ditch all these fear mongering and sin hunting messages and begin to preach Christ unveiled in mankind, then people are going to come face to face with Christ. And the result shall be an awakening to the vast wealth of glory in us.

    *[[2Co 4:6]] KJ2000* For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST.

    Beloved, when we all begin to gaze at the Light (Christ), we shall no longer see the shadows (sin, devil, fear, etc). But there is going to be an effulgence and a shining forth of experiential glory.

    *[[2Co 3:18]] EBR* And, we all, with unveiled face, receiving and reflecting, the glory of [the] Lord, into the same image, are being transformed, from glory into glory,––even as from a Spirit that is Lord.

    The gospel is glorious from start to finish. It gives no room for boasting in self effort. But when this wealth of glory is seen, it will all be about God.

    *[[2Co 4:7]] BBE* But we have this wealth in vessels of earth, so that it may be seen that the power comes not from us but from God;



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