Friday 16 June 2017


    *[[Act 17:28]] NET* For in him we live and move about and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we too are his offspring.’

    At no point did man lose his owner. When something of yours is missing, you don't lose ownership. The same way Papa God never loss ownership of His creation. At no point in human history was man the child of someone else apart from Abba Father.

    The prodigal son left the house but never loss his status as a son. Neither did the father seize to be his father. He was only alienated from the Father in His mind for a period.

    In Acts 17 Paul went to what we consider a "pagan" nation and reminded them that they were children of God. He told them that he was there to declare the God they were worshiping without knowledge. Yet today we are quick to label people as "children of a devil".

    It's time we put an end to the gospel of "Us versus Them" and "Children of God versus children of devil". All humanity are God's children regardless of their religious affiliation. What Paul wanted to point out to them is that the Athens were not worshiping in spirit and truth. They were worshiping God but had a wrong image or knowledge of Him.

    *[[Act 17:23]] WMTH-JM* For as I passed along and observed the things you worship, I found also an altar bearing the inscription, `TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' *"The Being, therefore, whom you, without knowing Him, revere, Him I now proclaim to you.*

    This is the ministry of reconciliation we have been committed with. Daddy's children (our brothers and sisters) have a wrong knowledge of Him. They see Him as a tyrant, wicked and stingy god. A god who takes pleasure in the pains and afflictions of people as long as it is in the name of "worship". A god who plunders people and takes their possessions in the name of "offering" and "sacrifice". But like Paul, we are to tell them how Papa God instead provides richly for all their needs and wants.

    *[[Act 17:25]] WMTH-JM* Nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything–but He Himself gives to all men life and breath and all things.



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