Sunday 8 October 2017

    *NEW COVENANT GIVING 3* (Give According to What You Have)

    [NLT] 2 Corinthians 8:12 Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.

    During a service the preacher said, "There is power in 'Seed Sowing'. So if you have a need, sow a 'seed'. Even if it means borrowing. For your seed will cancel your need and your offering will cancel your suffering". (Well, for once, I thought I was back at my nursery school learning some rhymes...Lol!)

    Under the New Covenant, we are encouraged to give eagerly or willingly. But your giving shouldn't be because you desperately need God to meet a need in your life, neither should you  give more than you have.

    You don't have to prove anything to God. Don't fall for all those guilt propagating clichés some preachers use. Yes, God wants you to give, but within your means.

    When David said "I will not give to God that which has not cost me", what he meant was, "I want to give something out of my own resources." (2Sam 24:24) So whatever he gave was because he could afford it. Beloved, my point is, if you have, give with all joy. And if you don't have, don't lose your peace and joy. Shalom!!!



    1. This is a great piece that liberates the spirit of man from the dogmas of modern Christianity...more grace to you brother Akwasi Nyame.

      1. Amen!!! I appreciate your time spent in reading my posts


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