Wednesday 25 October 2017


    God made man in His own image after His likeness. But man has calved a new identity for himself, devised so many evil ways and has turned around to create a god for himself. Yes! He has made a god after his own likeness and in his own corrupted image/identity.

    In ancient times kings were dreaded. They, on one hand were seen as messiahs when they brought great deliverance to nations. But on the other hand, they were seen as tyrants and beasts when they brought destruction to people and nations. Kings wielded so much power that they were worshipped as gods. They literally decided who lived and who died. And die you would if you did not pay homage to their supremacy. It is from this that religious folks drew their idea of a god.

    Sadly, Christians who claim to have the true God also see this God in the same way. They believe in a god who is so loving, but has prepared fire for folks who do not worship him. This picture of god is borrowed from the Babylonians. This was Nebuchadnezzar's style....

    *[[Dan 3:5-6/BBE]]*  5. That when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe, and all sorts of instruments, comes to your ears, you are to go down on your faces in worship before the image of gold which Nebuchadnezzar the king has put up:  6. AND ANYONE NOT FALLING DOWN and WORSHIPPING WILL that same hour BE PUT INTO a BURNING and FLAMING FIRE.

    It is this barbaric idea of God that Jesus came to deal with. All along, man had been presented with a god who 'answers by fire'. A god who thinks the solution to every problem is FIRE.

    Even the disciples of Jesus moved about with this picture of God until Jesus revealed the true God to them...

    *[[Luk 9:54-55/ISV]]* 54. When his disciples James and John observed this rejection, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” 55. But he turned and rebuked them,

    Man has held on to the picture of a god who would destroy lives to prove how powerful he is. But Jesus came to present to us the King and Father who would save all lives to prove how powerful He is.

    Away with the borrowed god. Away with the "go spell" of "bow or burn". If your god is like Nebuchadnezzar, then you need saving from such a god.  Selah!!!



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