Monday 16 October 2017

    *NEW COVENANT GIVING 5* (Bank Account In Heaven?)

    *[[Phi 4:17]] EMTV* Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit which is increasing to your account.

    Some folks teach that our tithe and givings are used to build mansions in heaven for us. They believe there is a bank account in heaven for each person where your offerings are credited to your account. But nothing could be further from the truth.

    In our opening verse, Paul was not talking about an account in heaven. What he meant was that they would be commended to other churches for their giving.

    You see, Paul often commended the churches that provided for his needs and that of the churches in Jerusalem. For instance, he boasted of the church in Greece to the Macedonians (2 Cor 9:2).

    2Co 9:2 (GNB)  I know that you are willing to help, and I have boasted of you to the people in Macedonia. "The believers in Achaia," I said, "have been ready to help since last year." Your eagerness has stirred up most of them.

    Think of what it meant to them - for their "General Overseer" to write an epistle of commendation for them. That was their reward. It was the credit they had in the now that 'provoked' other churches to also give. So when you give, don't go about announcing your deeds. Those you give to will write an epistle of commendation or praise report for you. They will keep an account of your kindness towards them. Shalom!!!


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