Monday 19 December 2016



    *[[Phm 1:6]] BBE* That the faith which you have in common with them may be working with power, in the knowledge of every good thing in you, for Christ.

    Imagine you are a banker. The Central Bank sends someone to educate your bank on the new denominations of the currency that has been introduced. This person comes with about 7 different notes of the new denomination. He picks one note and tells you "this is not the original, it is a counterfeit." Then he goes on to tell you the features of that particular counterfeit. He goes on for over an hour, describing all the other counterfeits without telling you anything about the genuine currency. How would you feel or what would you do if you were at that meeting? Which is better, having knowledge of all the counterfeit without knowing the genuine or just having knowledge of the genuine?

    I believe you'll choose the latter because that empowers and enlightens you better to do your work. I believe after educating folks on the features of the genuine note, you could end the meeting by simply saying, "Any other note that does not possess all of these features is a counterfeit." And that would suffice. But it will be quite absurd to waste time on the counterfeits and say at the end, "Any note that does not possess these features is the genuine." Bcos there would be no end to the production of counterfeits.

    Yet, this is what some churches do. They specialize in the study of witchcraft and the cult and then teach their members to do so. They would usually quote the scripture which says, "...for we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy." But the truth is, this does not empower people. The only way we are not ignorant of the enemy's devices, is by knowing the truth. Knowing the truth of the gospel of Jesus is what makes us free.

    Our opening verse tells us that the only way our faith can work with power is by knowing only the good things that are in us in Christ Jesus. So beloved, focus on the light. For the one who is looking into the light does not see the shadows. Shalom!!!


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