Monday 19 December 2016



    *[[Eph 4:32]] NET* Instead, be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.

    One key to understanding the scriptures is to know that before Jesus could give us the New Covenant, He lived under the Old Covenant. Hence most of the things He said was to people who knew the Law. This is evident in the popular "Lord's Prayer" where Jesus asked them to pray, "...forgive us our sins as we forgive others..." He went on to say, "If you don't forgive others, God will not forgive you". That sure sounds like conditional forgiveness doesn't it?

    But when Jesus said "it is finished" on the cross, all your sins were taken away. "But Bra Akwesi, I wasn't born by then?" Yes! That is what makes God's love for humanity so beautiful. When Jesus died 2000 years ago, He had eternity in mind. He forgave all your sins, (past, present and future).

    So you see, God's forgiveness does not depend on your confession of sins. No! In demonstrating His love towards us, He forgave us all our sins ever before we were born. So Paul is telling us to forgive others in the same manner.

    Do you expert folks to apologize to you before you forgive them? God doesn't wait for you to confess your sins before He forgives you. He doesn't attach any condition to His forgiveness. Why? Bcos He is Love. And love does not take account of evil, neither is it offended. Folks can do or say to you whatever they want, but you have the power to decide whether you want to take offence or not.

    Beloved, when you harbour unforgiveness, it means you are living under the Old Covenant and that will pave way for the enemy to bring the curse of the Law (pain, disease, death, etc) into your life. Forgiving others is equally beneficial to you as it is to them. So go on. Choose to forgive your spouse, boss, parent, pastor, teacher, friend, etc . For God has already forgiven you. Relief yourself of that pain and anger for God has promised never to be angry with you. Forget about the apologies and don't let unforgiveness steal the peace and joy from your heart. Shalom!!!


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