Monday 19 December 2016



    [NIV] Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

    I was born out of wedlock (I am glad I was, 'cos my dad couldn't marry my mum. So you see, I wouldn't be here had it not happened 😉.) I remember several years ago, a preacher man came to our church and said that all those born out of wedlock carry a curse until their fourth generation unless it is broken. My loving father became concerned for me and took me to the pastor who asked us to fast and meet him for prayers. After I came to know the Gospel, I looked back and realized, "what a waste of time."

    May be you were also born out of wedlock or as a result of a rape. May be you were abandoned by your natural parents or may be you heard that you were almost aborted when your mum found out she was pregnant with you. No need to be bitter, angry or walk in low self-esteem for the good news is that, you are not a mistake as far as Papa God is concerned.

    You did not originate from your natural parents but from God. You are God's idea. Long before you were concieved in the womb, Papa God knew you. He created you for His own pleasure and equipped you with every enablement.

    You are not an accident; you are an incident in God's plan. Carefuly made and strategically positioned. When God finished creation, He saw that everything was good. In Jeremaiah 29:11, God said His thoughts are good and not evil. His thoughts bring peace.

    Beloved, you originate from God's mind. You are perfectly beautiful and good in every which way. What your parents, friends, teachers say can not void this fact. This is why Jesus became flesh - to prove to humanity that we are not a faulty product. Shalom!!!


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