Monday 19 December 2016



    [NLT] Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

    When we say someone's work is a masterpiece it means that is the best work of their career. Such work is considered flawless and no other person can neither add to nor remove from it.

    In the same way, Papa God says you are His masterpiece. It means you are flawless. You were made with great level of skills and creativity. You are a finished product not a work in progress. "Hmm bra Akwesi if you knew what I am going through now, you wouldn't say such a thing." Hahaa! The Gospel does not ask us to fake things in order to become a masterpiece.

    Your present situation (your disability,deformity, lack, moral instability, etc) does not add or take anything from whom God has made you. In the sight of God, you have no problem - you are flawless.

    Knowing this gives you a sense of confidence and good self esteem. You no more want to do things with the notion of trying to please God or trying to 'fit in'. You begin to focus on the good works that God has already prepared for you. He has already paved the way and is ordering your steps accordingly. The peace of God then begins to flood your heart and you know that you have entered Abba Father's rest. Shalom!!!

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