Friday 16 June 2017


    *[[Col 3:11]] WMTH-JM* In that new creation there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free man, but the Messiah is everything and is in all of us.

    Understanding the finished works of Jesus Christ is very key to the interpretation of scriptures. It helps you put the Pauline epistles in their proper context.

    Unfortunately one idea that has been propagated about the New Creation is that until someone confesses Jesus as "his Lord and Saviour", he is not a New Creation. But you see, the Creator does not need the permission of the creature before He creates him. No, the Creator does it at will.

    The term New Creation has to do with all of humanity after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus took the first Adamic race and died with them. Hence they became dead to sin thereby being delivered from sin's dominion. When He resurrected, He brought back a New Man namely the New Creation.

    He brought up a New Man born in His image. Hence all of humanity are in Christ -the Last Adam. Jesus put an end of every religious and tribal label that was used in describing and dividing the creation and made all into one.

    That is why our opening scripture says that "Christ is everything and in all of us." No matter their religious affiliation, every man is in Christ and Christ is in every man for we are all New Creation. This is why we have been called to reveal Christ in the creation. To cast out ignorance and open the eyes of the creation to who is in them and to unveil to them their true identity.

    Henceforth know we no man after the flesh for we are all in Christ as such we are all New Creation (see Romans 5:15-17).  Selah!!!


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