Saturday 7 January 2017


    *[[Rom 7:4]] NET* So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you could be joined to another, to the one who was raised from the dead, to bear fruit to God.

    Growing up, I heard lot of sermons on bearing fruit. These preachers would threaten the congregation with hell or the risk of getting cut off from the Vine if they don’t bear fruit. It has always been about keeping of the law. It’s been about performance all this while. What this has produced is a bunch of unhappy, guilt laden religious folks.

    Why so? Paul tells us in our opening verse; we have died to the law. In other words, we have been divorced from the law. We are no longer under the law (we were never under the law to begin with, the Jews were). We have been betrothed to Jesus. The law can only produce the fruit of the flesh that is why preaching of the law is rather an act of empowering folks to sin more. For the power of sin is the Law

    If you desire to bear fruit to God, then you need to cast your gaze on your husband - Jesus Christ. Look into those eyes of love and have intercourse with your husband (Jesus) not the Law (that would be adultery). Under the Old Covenant, God referred to Israel as an adulterous nation because they put their trust in the strength of heathen nations. But under the New Covenant, you commit adultery if you go back to the law, living a legalistic life and relying on your ability to perform.

    Beloved, you can only bear fruit to the extent that you receive life from the Vine - Jesus. It is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of Abba Father. Shalom!!!


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