Saturday 7 January 2017


     Growing up in the Ghanaian culture, I have heard lots of superstitious beliefs which have become strongholds in people's minds keeping them in bondage.

    Unfortunately, many Christians, even pastors have refused to renew their minds with the Word of God, hence have brought these superstitious beliefs into Christendom. The have made up a lot of stories to put fear in folks in order to have the upper hand over them.

    One of these lies, which is being propagated even in pulpits is this Incubus & Succubus spirits. (Oh, how I had to battle with these spirits as an adolescent).

    As an adolescent, I would have a dream and see myself having an affair with someone, and then suddenly, I would wake up with semen in my underwear. I went to see a senior and he gave me a book about these spirits. That is what began my "warrior status". But really are we supposed to spiritualize every experience we have? Does God also think there is a demon attached to such an experience? Let's see;

    *[[Lev 15:16]] NET* “‘When a man has a seminal emission, he must bathe his whole body in water and be unclean until evening,

    You see, God never attached any spirit to such thing. He considered it as part of nature like menstruation in women. "But Bra Akwesi, the dream is very real and sensational." Yes, you must understand that there are different sources of dreams. But semen cannot be emitted unless a signal is sent by your brain through the emission of hormones. These hormones are responsible for the sexual ecstasy you feel.

    Let me give you this illustration to help you. I believe many of you will identify with this. There are times when I would have a dream at night. In the dream, I would have the urge to urinate and then I would wake up suddenly and realize that I have a full bladder. (I believe I have a witness and some of you have even urinated on the bed because you couldn't wake up quickly enough). But we don't attribute this to the workings of demons. Do we?

    Beloved, don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but allow the Word of God to dwell in you richly, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Shalom!!!


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