Saturday 7 January 2017


    *[[2Ti 4:3-4/ISV]]* 3.  For the time will come when people will not tolerate healthy doctrine, but with itching ears will surround themselves with teachers who cater to their people’s own desires. 4 They will refuse to listen to the truth and will turn to myths.

    One day the French teacher from my school came to see me at home. When I saw his face, I knew something wasn't right - he was troubled. When i asked him why he looked solemn, he began to narrate something that had taken place earlier in the day.

    He said, "Bra Akwesi, this morning when I was entering the school compound, a bird flew closely over my head. After my lesson, I went to a shop in town to buy some stuff and whilst there, a bird flew and hit the glass door. From there, I went to my second school (he served as a part time teacher for different schools) and while I was teaching them, another bird flew in and went out through the window. Bra Akwesi, our place (talking about his traditional belief although he is a Christian) they say if something like this happen, it is a bad luck. So please pray for me and tell me what to do."

    I smiled and told him about how the devil wants to throw darts of fear towards him but he shouldn't fall for it. Instead, he should be conscious of the power, love & sound mind the Holy Spirit has given us. I also told him to go home, eat a big supper, shower and then sleep comfortably. But this was not what this man expected from me. He asked, "Is that all?" When I replied "Yes", he said, "Ah Bra Akwesi, if I knew this was what you were going to say to me, I wouldn't have come to you."

    You see, this man believed more in his superstition than the gospel. So he was expecting me to say something like, "Ah! That is bad omen. You have to fast for 3 days, pray at mid night and sow a seed. Or go and buy a bottle of oil let me pray over it for you to smear on your body every day before leaving the house." This is what the Bible describes as itchy ears.

    But you, Beloved, don't follow the traditions of men and religious folks. Instead, desire the unadulterated truth about Jesus Christ and His finished works. He called us to rest. His yoke is easy and light. Any message that is contrary is not the Gospel of Jesus. Shalom!!!


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