Saturday 7 January 2017


    *[[Num 6:23-24/NET]]* 23. “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is the way you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: 24. “The LORD bless you and protect you...

    Usually, at the end of a church service, the pastor comes to give what is termed the benediction. On many occasions, I have heard pastors pray with the words of our opening scripture. And the congregation says 'amen' at the end of every line.

    This prayer was said by the priests of the Old Covenant. They said it daily after making an offering on behalf of someone because God commanded them to do so. But the Old Covenant was just a shadow of the reality that was to come. And this reality is Jesus.

    Beloved, Jesus our High Priest entered the Holy Place once and for all and when He finished making the sacrifice on our behalf, He pronounced the Benediction. He blessed us with all spiritual blessing in the heavenly place. In order words, He emptied Heaven's account for us. There is no blessing left. He gave it all to you. You are already blessed, protected in Christ, face to face with Papa God, and flooded with the peace of God.

    We are the present day possessors of the blessing. God is not waiting to reward you with a double portion blessing for your obedience. No! He gifted you with all He has on account of Jesus your High Priest. Shalom!!!


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