Saturday 7 January 2017


    *[[Hab 3:17-18/EasyEnglish]]* 17. There may be: no flowers on the fig tree, no fruit on the vines, nothing on the trees that have fruits called olives, no food in the fields, no sheep in the hills, no cows on the farms, 18. but I will still sing praises to the LORD! I will be happy with the God that makes me safe.

    It is very important to maintain a positive confession. However, you can only make positive confessions when you believe right. That is why it is important to know the true nature of God and Christ's finished works.

    Whenever the words, 'but', 'yet', 'nonetheless', and 'however' appear in a sentence, they usually join two statements; always limiting the first statement. If the first statement is positive, the second statement will be negative and the whole sentence will become negative.  But if the first statement is negative, the second statement will be positive and that will render the whole sentence positive.

    In our opening scripture, the Prophet Habbakuk was seeing negative happenings/circumstances around him. But he knew to walk by faith and not by sight. So he maintained a positive confession. How? He called all the negative things and cancelled them with his 'but'. That word is critical. It either reveals your faith, doubt or fear. Habbakuk could speak that way bcos he knew and believed God. (You can see it in the rest of the verses Hab 3:17-19)

    Beloved, like Habbakuk, when you begin to see negative happenings in your marriage, finance, ministry, career, health, business, education, etc, just call them and cancel them. The Word of faith is in your mouth. Keep talking it. Shalom!!!


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