Saturday 7 January 2017


    *[[Rom 14:17]] ISV* For God’s kingdom does not consist of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace, and joy produced by the Holy Spirit.

    When we became born again, we were translated into the Kingdom of God. But unfortunately some folks, although they are in God's Kingdom, are still living by the dictates and constitution of their former kingdom (Kingdom of darkness). Perhaps, they have not been presented with the true picture of the Kingdom of God.

    Paul summarizes for us what the Kingdom of God is -righteousness, peace and joy. Now, before you beat yourself to death trying to attain these things by your own ability, I want you to notice the last phrase, "...produced by the Holy Spirit". Did you see that? It is not about you or what you do externally, but who is producing it in and through you.

    Jesus asked us to preach the message of the Kingdom. This implies that whatever message we preach or hear should bring in our focus the righteousness of God. It should bring us peace not guilt and condemnation. It should bring us joy and laughter, not sorrows and heaviness of heart.

    If the message you are hearing is producing fear, guilt, condemnation and death, then it is not coming from God rather, it has been borrowed from the latest occult or witchcraft confession or the latest "Mark of the Beast" movie or a near -death visit to some so called hell.

    Beloved, now that you are in the Kingdom of God, explore the Kingdom. Go on a Holy Ghost adventure and rest in His truth. Shalom!!!


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