Friday 16 June 2017


    [[Gal 6:1]] WMTH-JM
    Brethren, if anybody be detected in any misconduct, you who are spiritual should restore such a one in a spirit of meekness...

    Sometimes I hear folks say, "Love is not enough." They say this usually when they are talking about relationships. Then they tell you you need patience, humility, etc. Although this advice stems from a sincere heart, I believe it underrates love

    You see, love is the embodiment of all virtues. It is the totality of all values.  That is why love restores (see 1 Cor 13). You can not love without being patient. you can not say you love someone and torment or inflict pain on the person.

    "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear" the Bible says. But why is there no fear in love? It goes on to say that,  "...because FEAR INVOLVES PUNISHMENT/TORMENT" (1 Jn 4:18)

    Beloved, instead of being so judgmental towards people to the point of condemnation, choose to manifest the love of God to them and restore them in meekness. Show them undeniable love. Help them to get their shine on. For that is what love does. Shalom!!!


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