Friday 16 June 2017


    *[[Heb 9:27]] WMTH-JM* And since it is reserved for all mankind once to die, and afterwards to be judged;

    We read about how a dead person was resurrected upon coming into contact with the bones of Elisha. We also read how Jesus resurrected Lazarus and the damsel. Jesus also commissioned His disciples to raise the dead. Now that these people have been raised it means that physically, they died twice (since they eventually checked out of this earth)

    This simply tells us that our opening scripture wasn't talking about physical death but a spiritual one.

    To understand this I want you to keep in mind that under the Law "...the wages of sin is death."(Rom 6:23a). So that whoever sinned was deserving of death [and we also know that every man under the Law sinned (Romans 3:23)]. But the life in the blood of a lamb was given in exchange for their lives. Therefore whenever the high priest sent the blood to the Holy Place, it represented the death of the people. Now after the high priest has finished with the offerings and if it is accepted, he would come out and declare the judgement (verdict) over the people - which is forgiveness /holiness.

    So we see that in every year, the people died once after which the high priest declares them purified/holy. But since the effect of the offerings and sacrifices was short-lived, there was the need for Christ Jesus to come and take away sins once and for all. Hence He took the first Adamic race and died with all of them then passed the judgement/verdict which is 'justification'.

    "All men" used in the opening scripture was therefore referring to those under the Law. Until death did them part, they were not completely free from sin that was why they needed to die to sin. But the New Creation does not die spiritually because there is nothing to die to (sin no more has dominion over us) . We have been made alive to God. The divine life of the Father is at work in us. And we live the rich and satisfying life.  So the scripture above doesn't apply to the New Creation. Shalom!!!


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