Friday 16 June 2017


    *[[Rom 12:2]] WMTH-JM* And do not follow the customs of the present age, but be transformed by the entire renewal of your minds, so that you may learn by experience what God's will is–that will which is good and beautiful and perfect.

    Many people today are battling with what the will of God is. In every decision they ought to make, the question pops up, "Is this the will of God?" I have seen firsthand how this has brought about depression and fear.

    Compounding this issue is a wrong teaching that has been presented to us for many years now. This teaching says that there are three types of will - a good will, an acceptable/permissive will and then a perfect will.

    Those who teach this say the good will is simply good but average. The acceptable will is not really good but God just accepts it and may punish you later for making such a choice. And they tell you the perfect will is God's specific will for your life and you must always strive to make sure you are walking in that perfect will. Imagine living a life where you always second-guess your decisions or choices at the slightest challenge. Yet that's what this teaching has caused.

    From our opening scripture, we see what exactly Paul was saying about the will of God. But you will appreciate it better if you look at the context in which he was speaking by going back to the 11th chapter. This is a summary/paraphrase of what Paul was saying in Romans 11 & 12

    *"Hey guys, God has a purpose or will for humanity (i.e. to lavish His love and mercy on all creation for He does not desire that any should perish.) This purpose is good, altogether beautiful and totally perfect."*

    *"God wants you to experience this purpose/will so renew your mind about His love for you. Stop seeing your relationship with God as a Master and servant relationship where you have to strive to please the master. No! All of humanity are His offspring. You are already pleasing to Him. You are abundantly loved by Him."*

    *"It is only by experiencing this unconditional universal love of God can you love your fellow brother or sister. Then you will no longer do things according to the customs of this world."*

    *"Human customs treat people with partiality. They deem some people more important than others. But you have to realize that you are one body in Christ. You all have different functions but you are all equally important as far as God's ultimate purpose is concerned."*

    *"So this is how you manifest (prove) God's purpose (will) - by lovingly accepting and embracing all without discrimination."*

    In conclusion, the will of God for your marriage is not to marry a specific person. The will of God for you is not a specific job, a particular way of dressing, etc. Rather,  the will of God is for you to do everything out of love. No matter your choice of partner, God wants you to have a happy and peaceful marriage. Papa God wants you to live joyfully, love everyone dearly and shine brightly wherever you find yourself. That is the will of God for you. Shalom!!!


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