Sunday 18 June 2017


    A sister in the Lord asked me an interesting question concerning Jehoshaphat. This is her question;

    "From (2 chron 20:22)..Why did Jehoshaphat decide to put singers in front of the battle instead of warriors. Because the lord didn't say so..he only said he had fought their battle for them.
     So why did he choose to sing at that time?"


    If you check the previous verses, it tells us that they received the assurance that God was with them. They were asked to be still (i.e. To rest in God's promise of salvation). God being with them is the Only thing that mattered.

    You see, if God is with you, you do not need to focus on methodology. No! Why? It is not by power nor might. It is by the ability of the Holy Spirit. If God is with you, you don't need to shout the way someone else did when he was casting out a demon or healing the sick, you don't need a long fast or lengthy prayer.  If God is with you, you don't need a special method (unless the Lord specifically told you), no, the method you believe in is what will work for you.

    When God is with you, you do what God wants to be done and say what God wants to be said, even without hearing a voice or seeing a vision.

    Why do i say so? See what Samuel told Saul:

    *[[1Sa 10:6-7]] NET* 6. Then the spirit of the LORD will rush upon you and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person. 7. “When these signs have taken place, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God will be with you.

    You see, with God, there is no limit to what we can do in Christ. All things are possible with God. And we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

    In Acts 10:38, we see that Jesus went about doing good and healing ALL those oppressed by the devil because God was with Him.

    That is why Paul tells us of the great mystery that is revealed in us. Which is; "Christ in you the hope of glory."

    God has proved this to me through out my life. There have been times where, during ministration, i would say or do something and some of my prophet friends present would come to me at the end of the meeting to confirm to me how they heard or saw it before i ever said or did, although i did not hear a voice or see any vision.

    So even if the Israelites had chosen to stand without singing, or decided to go to battle eating 'kelewele', God would have still given them victory. Because it did not depend on their performance but on God who had given His word. He watches over His word to perform. This is why we are encouraged to enter into God's rest.

    Cease from your performance. Stop trying to help God. He has got it all figured out already. Only believe. Shalom!!!



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