Thursday 22 June 2017


    *[[1Co 15:45/ISV]]* This, indeed, is what is written: “THE FIRST MAN, ADAM, became a living being.” THE LAST ADAM became a life-giving spirit.

    When we say something is first, it means it precedes all others of a series or kind. In other words it is followed by others of the same kind. But when we say something is last it means it is the final of its kind. In other words, it ends the series.

    Now, Adam from the garden was referred to as the first Adam and he was followed by others of his kind. But Jesus was referred to as the last Adam which means that he is the end of the Adamic race. He is the final member of the Adamic race.

    That is why I say that no human today has the nature of the first Adam. We are all new creations. And so this doctrine about so called 'original sin' is just the creation of religion.

    It's time we awaken to the finished works of Jesus Christ. You are beloved. Shalom!!!

         LIVE_LOVE_SHINE ®


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