Friday 16 June 2017


    *[[1Jn 4:19]] BBE* We have the power of loving, because he first had love for us.

    You can not get someone to love you by demanding love from them. The folks under the Old Covenant knew this too well. They were commanded, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind... " But they couldn't do so.

    Expressing or demonstrating love towards someone is a way of empowering them to love others. When we express love towards children, they grow up to be loving, caring and tolerant.

    Beloved, stop over analyzing every act of love people show you. Instead of having a critical spirit, just accept all the love you can get. Most of all,  you are incapable of loving unless you first know how much Papa God loves you.It is the warmth of His love that empowers you to love even the meanest fellow.

    God's love for you is unconditional - it is not based on your performance. Knowing and understanding this will release the power of loving in you. Today,  choose to show love to that person in the house or at the work place who seems to irritate you. You've got the power. Shalom!!!


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