Friday 16 June 2017


    *[[Gal 6:1]] WMTH-JM* Brethren, if anybody be detected in any misconduct, you who are spiritual should restore such a one in a spirit of meekness.

    It's amazing how men try to prove that they are more loving than Papa God, that they care more for their fellow than God does. Is that not the case, when we think we can restore our fellow in the spirit of love or meekness, but somehow, Daddy God is incapable of that?

    Again, God can not ask you to do something He is incapable of. Jesus demonstrated how far God was willing to go to restore man when He went to preach to the spirits in prison under the Old Covenant. Man is willing to kill to prove his love for God, but God was willing to die to prove His love for mankind. See what the book of Wisdom says:
    Wisdom 12:1-2
    1. O how good and gracious, Lord, is your spirit in all things!
    2. Therefore, those who wander afield, you correct, and, as to those who sin, you counsel them and admonish them, so that, having abandoned malice, they may believe in you, O Lord.

    Beloved, Papa God is committed to restoring by counselling and admonishing not by threatening or pushing folks into an eternal furnace burning with brimstone and sulfur. Love does not torment. Love restores everyone. Shalom!!!


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