Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Rom 8:2]] KJV* For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    When we say that the Believer is not under the Law, some folks are quick to add, "Yes we are not under the Old Covenant law but under the law of the Spirit." I know some say this in sincerity, but hey, let us not compromize when it comes to the Gospel.

    Paul did not mince words in his preachings. He said we are "...not under the law but under Grace." He did not add anything to try to "balance" the message.

    I believe a lot of the comfusion here is the understanding of the word, "law" in the context of our opening scripture. Many see "law" to mean a written code of conduct on morality that one must follow. But in this context, it is not so.

    The greek word translated "law" also means 'an injunction' or a 'precept'. So Paul was saying that sin (the slave master) and death (the wages of sin) had made certain decrees against us that condemned us. But the Holy Spirit (a.k.a. the Spirit of life), also made a decree and put an injunction on what sin and death says about us. And the Law/decree/precept of the Spirit is, "No condemnation." (Rom 8:1)

    So you see, the law of the Spirit is not a set of rule to be followed, but the declaration of freedom and life for us. That is why it did not say "the law of the Spirit of life WILL MAKE us free (if only we try to obey it)..." rather he put it in the past and says, "...the law of the Spirit of life HAS MADE us free...". You have been freely justified. Believe it and rest. Shalom!!!


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