Tuesday 5 December 2017


    [ESV] Acts 17:28 for “‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring.’

    Have you ever been told, over and over again, to put God first in your life? So often times you get confused wondering, "Do I go for this job interview or go for the church service?" "Do I go with my family to the reunion or go for evangelism?" Then fear sets in, then guilt, then condemnation and before long, you find yourself depressed. Your life is no more fun again 'cos you are not sure if God has been put on top of your list.

    Hear me Beloved, stop putting God first! (Huh? I guess I've just qualified as the most unspiritual guy you have ever known. Lol). God is not a number on your list that needs to be put at the top. He is not competing for a place with your spouse, children, job, leisure or parents.

    On the contrary, God is your life. Everything you do is in Him and with the ability He gives you.

    *[[Act 17:28]] T4T* As someone has said, ‘ It is only because he enables us that we live and move and do what we do.’ And, as some of your own poets have said, ‘We are God's children.’

    You are not in the Spirit anymore when you go for church service than when you go to watch a soccer match with your family. But in everything you do, you are full of praise to Abba Father for granting you all things freely to enjoy. It is in Him we live, move and have our being. Shalom!!!


    1 comment:

    1. Absolutely..... He is in everything we do, and everything we do, we do as unto the Lord because he lives and breathes and moves in us. It brings Him good pleasure to be active, wherever we are active.��❤️��


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