Tuesday 5 December 2017


    [NLT] John 15:26 “But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.

    Last time we saw that Jesus came as the Everlasting Father to give effect to His Will (Testament) through His death. Now a Will can only be read by a Lawyer - the Lawyer of the deceased. So Jesus sent His Lawyer (Advocate) in the person of the Holy Spirit.

    Like a criminal who runs at the site of a policeman only to realise that the Policeman is his elder brother returning home, many have misconstrued the Holy Spirit. Contrary to what some folks have accepted, the Holy Spirit did not come to point fingers at your sins. He only came to deliver Good News.

    An Advocate is someone who defends the course of another person. So Jesus rightly said of the Holy Spirit, "...He will testify of Me." Yes, the Holy Spirit came to reveal all that belongs to Jesus to us. There are no conditions attached to the inheritance so He is not going to find out whether you've been a good boy/girl. His role is to make sure you have EVERYTHING Jesus willed to you, without questions asked.

    After He has testified of Jesus, He stays with you as your Advocate to testify of you as a legitimate child of God whenever any accuser comes to question your identity/legitimacy.

    Beloved, the Holy Spirit is the Family Lawyer. He is for you, not against you. Shalom!!!


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