Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Rev 21:2]] KJV* And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

    In my previous post, I made it clear that the incidence in the Book of Revelation are not in our future but our past. I shared with you how we got married to Jesus hence we are the Bride, not the invited guest. Today, I want us to see yet another thing that people have been waiting for, namely, the New Jerusalem.

    Now, the Old Covenant was between God and Israel. The temple of God was located in Jerusalem hence Jerusalem was known as the Holy City. But remember that the Old Covenant and its systems were all a shadow of good things to come in Christ. Also, the patriarch of old were waiting for a city not made with human hands. And concerning them, the bible says they did not receive the promise.

    Whenever we read the scriptures, it is very important to ask ourselves, "What did this mean to the original audience?" Bcos the bible was not written to us. It was written for us. So what did a city mean to the original audience?

    In His sermon on the mount, Jesus said we are the light of the world. He went a step further by equating us to a city on a hill. (Matt 5:14). So you see, a city in this context referred to a person.

    Going back to our opening scripture, John said the City was prepared like a bride (does it ring any bell?). The Church, including the individual believers is the Bride of Christ. So you are the Holy City.

    Also, Jerusalem was where the temple was under the Old. But today, you are the temple of God. You are the dwelling place, the abode of God.

    Paul also tells us that the heavenly Jerusalem is already here (Heb 12:22). So Beloved, don't be afraid to go into the book of Revelation for it holds a beautiful picture of God's darling - you. Shalom!!!


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