Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Psa 16:5]] NET* LORD, you give me stability and prosperity; you make my future secure.

    We often ask, "What does the future hold for me?" "What lies ahead, doom or bliss?" "Am I saved forever or can I lose my salvation?" Uncertainty usually breeds fear and anxiety which hold us back from taking some important and major decisions in life. Being uncertain about the future is very frustrating.

    Daddy Father knows that too well so He constantly tells us, "Fear not!" "Be anxious for nothing." Why? Bcos He is the one who secures your future. He provides you with the stability and prosperity you need in your health, marriage, business, family or education.

    Beloved, you have a blessed assurance from Papa God. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Take your eyes off your lack and weaknesses and focus on His strength and abundant provision. No matter the circumstances prevailing in your life or the economy, the lines will fall for you in pleasant places because you have a good inheritance from Abba. You are eternally secured. Shalom!!!


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