Monday 4 December 2017

    THE GREAT TRIBULATION 4 (What the Prophets Wrote)

    *[[Rev 12:7]] ISV* Then a war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels fought back.

    Many folks have been made to believe that our opening scripture refers to a battle that occured in the 'unseen heaven'. But nothing could be further from the truth. John was talking about earthly things, just as Jesus was when He was speaking to Nicodemus.

    John used a lot of figurative expressions in his writings bcos his audience understood it. When it comes to visions, God always speaks to a person in the language they understand. So what was John driving at? John was receiving a vision whose time was up. This vision was given to Daniel but he was asked to seal it bcos it was not for his generation. But when Daniel received the vision about the 'End Time', he gave us a clue as to how to know what and when he was talking about.

    *[[Dan 12:1]] ISV* “‘At that time, Michael will arise, the great prince who will stand up on behalf of your people, and a time of trouble will come like there has never been since nations began until that time. Also at that time, your people will be delivered—everyone who will have been written in the book.

    So you see, in Rev 12:7, John was not talking about something that happened in the beginning of creation. The dragon does not refer to a cosmic power/entity. He was talking about the fulfillment of what Daniel wrote (of which Jesus said will come upon a specific generation). The 'End Time' is not about the end of the world or the destruction of the Planet Earth. It was about the end of the Old Covenant. And this Covenant was made with the nation Israel. This 'End Time' Daniel spoke of was fulfilled in 70 AD when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

    Beloved, rest in peace for what was to be fulfilled has already been fulfilled. Enjoy a 'World Without End' Shalom!!!



    1. I just smiled. God is good. God bless you

    2. We glory in our Daddy who has always provided us with His most awesome love, and grace which is never ending....from the old covenant to the new... we always have been cradled in His arms of love.❤️😍 so clearly written Akwesi.... 💪🏾😇


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