Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Gen 22:14]] NET* And Abraham called the name of that place “The LORD provides.” It is said to this day, “In the mountain of the LORD provision will be made.”

    I believe many of us are familiar with this story. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac to Him (not bcos He desired human sacrifice, but to test Abraham's faith). But in their way, innocent but smart Isaac did his calculations and realized that something things were not adding up. So he asked his father, "Dad, here is the firewood, and water, but where is the sacrificial lamb?" The loving father, although broken in spirit mustered some courage and said, "Son, God will provide."

    Just before he could slaughter his son, God made him stop and provided a ram for the sacrifice. This was God painting a picture of how before time, He slay His only Son for humanity, and was preparing to manifest it in time.

    Abraham named the place, Jehovah Jireh which actually means "God will provide." And so the Jews were always looking forward to God's provision on a mountain. That's why we read a lot about prophets going to mountains and Jesus Himself went, occasionally, to mountains to pray. Not bcos God is more present on mountains or as an example for believers to follow, but to bring Abraham's proverb to their consciousness.

    Beloved, when God provided for Abraham, it brought an end to his lack. Today, that prophetic picture has been fulfilled in Christ on a mountain called Calvary. God delivered humanity and made provision for us. He released all His blessings on us at Calvary. Jesus gave us a hint of His coming to end the idea of going to meet God on mountain tops when he told the woman at the well, "...a time is coming and is already here when you will not need to worship on this mountain or Jerusalem, bcos God desires people to worship Him in spirit and truth" (Jn 4:21-24).

    The mountain God was pointing to was Calvary. That's where your lack and struggles were ended. Don't let anyone talk you into climbing mountains. God is with you in you. Rest, for it is finished. Shalom!!!


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