Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Psa 11:1]] NET* In the LORD I have taken shelter. How can you say to me, “Flee to a mountain like a bird!

    There is a Ghanaian proverb that says, "If a blind man says he will pelt you with stones, he is either holding one in his hands or his foot may be on one." How true! You see, security is one of the things on top of human needs. With a sense of security comes peace of mind and eventually, increase in productivity or fruitfulness.

    Just as the blind man finds strength and courage in the stone, to function at your utmost as a child of God, it is very paramount that you know how secure you are or else fear is going to cause you to move helter skelter, trying to find a safe haven.

    The Psalmist was counselled to flee in the face of impending danger and adversity. Yet he refused to act in fear because he was conscious of the fact that God was his immovable refuge. A man in a bullet-proof car has no problem with flying bullets.

    Beloved, may be there seems to be a whirlwind in your life right now -in your health, marriage, job, finances, education, or family. Do not fret for your shelter is immoveable and unshakable. He is Jesus. He will keep you safe and sound. The storm is going to be calm sooner than you thought and you will sing once again. Your shelter is trustworthy. Shalom!!!


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