Tuesday 5 December 2017

    THE GREAT TRIBULATION 1 (Days of Vengeance)

    *[[Mat 23:35-36/WMTH-JM]]* 35. that all the innocent blood shed upon earth may come on you, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Berechiah whom you murdered between the Sanctuary and the altar. 36. I tell you in solemn truth that all these things will come upon the present generation.

    I have said in many of my posts that you can never understand  scripture when you divorce it from its original audience. If you look carefully enough, you will see the intended audience. But a simple thumb rule to help you is this, "The Bible was not written to us, but for us".

    A lot have been said about the Great  Tribulation. There are those who are looking forward to a future of horror and an anti-christ. But if you've been following my posts, I say all these horrors are in our past because the book of revelation was not written to us. So this series is intended to awaken a desire in you to make you want to study your Bible for yourself and not to accept just anything presented to you.

    From our opening scripture, Jesus mentioned some key things that should help us know the event, the audience and the timing.
    1. He mentioned that there is going to be a time of vengeance.
    2. The vengeance is for those who have been killed by the Jews (Abel and Zacharia and all the prophets in between)
    3. Some of these people were killed between the temple and the altar.
    4. This vengeance is going to come on the "present generation" (i.e. those Jesus was talking to at that time not us who are living over 2000 years after Jesus).

    Watch out for the next in this series. Shalom!!!



    1. Glory, a clear picture on who this was written to and for, very clear picture 🙏🏾 thank you.


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