Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Heb 10:9]] ISV* Then he says, “See, I have come to do your will.” He takes away the first in order to establish the second.

    The finished works of Jesus can be summarized thus, "The taking away and the establishing". He came to shake the old Heaven and Earth and removed everything that was shakeable in order that we shall have an unshakeable Kingdom.

    Jesus came to remove the the Old Covenant and all its laws and accompanying curses in order to establish a New Covenant of blessings for us. So now, when we go through the Pentateuch, we don't go with the mindset of, "what blessing can I ask God for? Or what curse can I avoid?" No, we begin to thank God because Christ, has fulfilled every single condition attached to those promises hence they are our present day possessions.

    Jesus took away the First Adamic race and established a new race namely, the New Creation. The New Man is a partaker of the divine nature of God. He has the indestructible life of God.

    Jesus took away the Old Temple and established you as His Temple. Now you don't need to seek Him as though he were far away from you. You are now one with Him. He took away sins and established you as His righteousness. He took away your pain and sorrows and established an everlasting peace and unspeakable joy in your heart.

    Beloved, Jesus came to take away anything that could possibly defile you. And established Heaven in you. Allow the Holy Spirit to unveil to you those things that have been freely given to you by God. You are the center of God's world. Shalom!!!


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